SphygmoCor EM3/MM3
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In China, the number of patients with hypertension has exceeded 200 million, of which the prevalence tends to be younger, and with cardiovascular diseases becoming more threatening, 3 million people die of it every year. According to initial estimate, routine check and care are not applied on 60% of people, what’s worse, the awareness of hypertension being only 30%, let alone most young people don’t even realize they have hypertension. The use of SphygmoCor EM3/MM3, capable of detecting pathological changes, can assist both the medical personnel and patients themselves to prevent, to screen, to diagnose and to receive treatment in the earliest stage, reducing late illness and death rate of acute myocardial infarction and stroke, thus minimize property loss.

Cardiovascular diseases detector   CAP    CPP    AP    Alx     cfPWV    HRV

Multiple parameters assessing

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