Industry news
Because We Care Campaign Featured At International Nursing Conference, Australia

By:yelifang    Time:2011-06-27

The Australian Nursing Federation's (ANF) ongoing campaign for better aged care - "Because We Care" - has been officially recognised at a recent international nursing conference.

Nursing officials from Ireland and the US joined more than 800 Canadian nurses at the Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions (CFNU) conference at the Winnipeg Convention Centre. The conference marked the 30th anniversary of the CFNU.

Australian nurses and midwives were represented by ANF Federal Secretary Lee Thomas and NSW Nurses' Association General Secretary Brett Holmes.

Ms Thomas said the ANF's ongoing Because We Care campaign was featured during discussions relating to care for seniors. Because We Care is calling on the Gillard Government to honour its commitment of fixing Australia's aged care system in its second term.

"We appreciated the opportunity take part in a panel discussion on international nursing issues with our nursing colleagues from all across the world," Ms Thomas said.

"With aging populations, urgent reform to ensure the provision of better aged care was confirmed as one of several key health priorities for us all.

"Because We Care demonstrated how the ANF is fighting hard for its members to close the wage gap for our nurses and AINs and to ensure there is the right balance of skills and nursing hours so that nurse and care staff are able to deliver quality care for every nursing home resident they look after."


Australian Nursing Federation